The Chase Nursery Kirby

The Chase Kirby is located on the school premises of Kirby Academy, Halstead Road, Kirby Cross.

Although the Nursery is situated safely in the Kirby Primary School premises, the Nursery is privately owned by The Chase Nurseries and we pride ourselves on OUTSTANDING provision. 

We benefit from being situated on the school grounds as we have access to fantastic outdoor facilities and over look the horses. 

The Nursery provide care and learning for 30 children at any one time with a dedicated  strong team.

We aim to ensure all staff are paediatric first aid trained and in addition we have defibrillators at all sites! Your child's safety is our top priority.

Opening Hours

Monday - Friday 8.45am - 3.15pm

Call: 01255 674050

Ofsted Ref - EY493909  Contact - 0300 123 1231

Further information

Opening Hours

The Chase Kirby is open during school term time. 

NURSERY SESSION TIMES: 8.45am-3.15/3.45pm 

MORNING SESSION: 8.45am-11.45am

AFTERNOON SESSION: 11.45am-3.15/3.45pm 

The Staff

All of our staff have qualifications in child care. They continually attend a wide variety of courses in addition to First Aid, Child Protection, and SENCO (Special Needs). All staff are D.B.S (Disclosure Barring Service) checked.


Kirsty Blackman- Area Manager- Level 4 in Childcare, Designated safeguarding Level 3, SENco, ENco, First aid, and ELkLan

Rachel Rothery - Manager, BA Honours degree in Early Years & QTS, SENco, First Aid, Designated Safeguarding Level 3, ELKlan

Lucy Staerck- Deputy Manager (on maternity leave) Childcare level 2, Designated safeguarding level 3,  first aid,  

Gemma Day Acting deputy Manager maternity cover  - Childcare Level 3, First Aid & Level 2 safeguarding 

Francesca Irwin - Maternity cover Room Manager,Childcare level 2, First aid & Safeguarding level 2

Nursery Practitioners

Ann Taylor -Childcare Level 3, First Aid & Level 2 safeguarding  

Tally Johnson - Chldcare level 3, First aid, safeguarding level 2

Amy Panayi  - Childcare level 3, First aid & safeguarding level 2

Shelby Roberts - Childcare level 3, First aid & safeguarding level 2

Jessica Sanderson - Apprentice, first aid, safeguarding leve; 2

Staff Responsibilities

Designated Safeguarding lead - Rachel Rothery

Deputy Designated Safeguarding lead - Lucy Staerck

SENco- Rachel Rothery 

ENco - Lucy Staerck

For further information on The Chase Kirby please call 01255 674050 or email:


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